Dallas Homeowners’ Guide to Mouse Control

mouse up close

As temperatures drop and insects become less active, you may think that your pest control problems are over. However, cooler months and nighttime temperatures dipping below freezing bring fuzzy mammals indoors as they search for food, water, and shelter. Here in Dallas, we have a host of rodents invading our homes year-round. One of our most common invaders is the house mouse.

House mice are small, two and a half to four-inch-long rodents that make common appearances throughout homes in the Dallas area. You can distinguish them from other rodents because of their smaller size. They have rounded ears, a furry tail and a grey to tan coloration. Lacking the size or weight of their cousins the Norway or roof rat, house mice rely on their small size and nimble forms to infiltrate homes across the state.

Unlike some other types of pests like ants, mosquitoes, or ticks, house mice do not need to hibernate for the winter. In fact, the warmth of your home, coupled with ample hiding spaces and dark areas, makes it the perfect place to rear a large family. House mice breed faster than any other species of mouse, delivering up to six offspring every three weeks.

As you may imagine, quickly breeding pests pose enormous problems for homeowners including health risks, financial strain, and heightened anxiety. Some of the problems that come with a house mouse infestation include:

  • Dangerous or deadly diseases spread through mouse bites, fecal matter, or urine

  • Destruction to your home and furniture 

  • Contaminated food sources

  • If not dealt with quickly, a house mouse infestation will turn into a Lone Star nightmare.

How Do I Know If I Have A Mouse Infestation?

If you see a mouse scampering across your kitchen floor during the day, know that its family is likely hiding somewhere in your home. Seeing a mouse is unlikely as they are most active at night while you are sleeping. However, you know you have a mouse problem if you notice the following signs:

  • Most likely, the first indicator of a rodent infestation is fecal matter. House mice will deposit small, dark brown, rice-sized feces as they travel through your home during the night. 

  • Rodents’ teeth are always growing, and therefore, mice and rats instinctively file them down by gnawing or chewing. If you notice gnaw marks on your baseboards, drywall, or even the soap by your bathroom sink, you know you have a mouse problem. 

  • House mice travel along perimeters, and in their wake, they leave rub marks on walls or baseboards from their oily skin. 

  • Mice come into your home searching for food, and they will gnaw through boxes or packaging in search of their next meal. If you notice your pantry goods have sprung a leak, it’s a sure sign of a mouse infestation. 

  • You may notice the distinctly strong smell of mouse urine somewhere in your home which is clearly indicative of a mouse problem.

Prevent Problematic Rodents With These Helpful Tips

It is incredibly easy for mice to slip inside a home without notice, thanks to their amazing ability to seek out available entry points around the home. Exercise preventative measures so that mice can’t find their way inside your home, and check the exterior of your home regularly for potential routes of access.  

  • Cracks around doors and windows are very common, especially during substantial temperature changes. Caulk and seal these immediately.

  • Install waterproofing underneath doors and windows to ensure these areas remain sealed off from the outdoors.

  • Check the sides and foundations of your home for fissures or splits that could provide a doorway for pests. 

  • If you are concerned that house mice have already infiltrated your home, or you’d like to speak to a professional about potential problems, reach out to Addison Pest Control today for a free home inspection!

Addison Pest Control Has Our Head In The Game

Traps, over the counter baits, and other retail solutions may help homeowners to reduce mouse populations, but it will be nearly impossible to get rid of an established infestation. Addison Pest Control is passionate about working with you to keep your Little Elm home free of these pests. If you need Dallas home pest control or business is in need of a pest control expert, contact us today. We look forward to working with you to solve all of your pest problems.